
Children Orthopedics

Children's Orthopedics is a specialized branch of medicine that focuses on diagnosing, treating, and managing musculoskeletal conditions and injuries in children. This field addresses a wide range of issues, including bone fractures, congenital deformities, growth plate injuries, and sports-related injuries that affect the bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments of young patients.


Children's orthopaedic conditions can arise from various factors, such as genetic predisposition, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infections, and neuromuscular disorders. Common conditions include scoliosis, clubfoot, limb length discrepancies, hip dysplasia, and sports injuries.

When to See the Doctor

Parents should seek medical attention if they notice any signs of discomfort, abnormal gait, limited range of motion, recurring pain, or visible deformities in their child. Early detection and intervention are crucial to prevent further complications and optimize outcomes.

Treatment and Surgery Options

The treatment approach for children orthopaedics depends on the specific condition and its severity. Non-surgical options may include physical therapy, bracing, casting, medication, or orthotic devices. Surgery may sometimes be necessary to correct structural abnormalities, realign bones, or restore function.


How London Ortho Hospital Can Help

London Ortho Hospital is equipped with a dedicated team of pediatric orthopaedic specialists who are experienced in treating children with orthopaedic conditions. Our compassionate and skilled professionals work closely with young patients and their families to develop personalized treatment plans. We provide comprehensive diagnostic evaluations, advanced surgical interventions, and follow-up care to ensure the best possible outcomes for children. Our state-of-the-art facilities, child-friendly environment, and patient-centred approach create a comforting atmosphere for children and their families throughout their orthopaedic journey.