
Advanced Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

Advanced shoulder and elbow surgery is a specialized branch of orthopaedics that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of complex shoulder and elbow conditions. These conditions can arise from various causes, including trauma, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, and repetitive motion disorders. When experiencing persistent pain, limited range of motion, or other symptoms in the shoulder or elbow, seeking medical attention from a specialist is crucial.


Advanced shoulder and elbow conditions can be caused by a range of factors, such as rotator cuff tears, shoulder instability, frozen shoulder, labral tears, arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, fractures, dislocations, and nerve compression. These issues can significantly impact daily activities and quality of life.

When to See the Doctor

If you are experiencing persistent pain, swelling, weakness, instability, or difficulty moving your shoulder or elbow, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. Early intervention can prevent further damage and improve the chances of successful treatment.

Treatment and Surgery Options

After a thorough examination and diagnosis, the specialist may recommend various non-surgical treatment options such as physical therapy, medication, injections, and rehabilitation exercises. However, in cases where conservative measures are ineffective or the condition is severe, advanced shoulder and elbow surgery may be necessary. Surgical options may include arthroscopy, joint replacement, rotator cuff repair, ligament reconstruction, or fracture fixation, depending on the specific condition.


How London Ortho Hospital Can Help

London Ortho Hospital is committed to providing comprehensive and advanced care for shoulder and elbow conditions. Our team of experienced orthopaedic surgeons specializes in advanced shoulder and elbow surgery, utilizing the latest techniques and state-of-the-art technology. With a patient-centred approach, we tailor our treatment plans to meet individual needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes. Our multidisciplinary team of surgeons, physiotherapists, and rehabilitation experts work together to provide personalized care and support throughout the treatment journey. At London Ortho, we are dedicated to helping patients regain mobility, alleviate pain, and restore function, enabling them to lead active and fulfilling lives.