
Understanding Arthroplasty in Younger Patients

Medical progress is changing healthcare faster by the day. One big change is that more and more young people are getting knee and hip replacement surgeries. These surgeries, called arthroplasties, use artificial joints to replace damaged ones. They help people move better and feel less pain. But recent studies show that more younger patients require this procedure.

Before, knee replacements were recommended for older patients. But now, more people under 65  are opting for Arthroplasty. A study from the University of Missouri School of Medicine and MU Health Care says there might be a huge 183% increase in knee replacements for this group by 2030. This worries experts about how well the new joints will work and last in younger people compared to older ones.

Younger People More Likely to Need Another Surgery

Surprisingly, younger people who get knee replacements often need another surgery sooner than older ones. Research shows they are twice as likely to need another surgery within two years. This is often because of problems like infections, parts of the joint failing, or the joint being unstable.

Reasons for Problems

Although younger people are usually healthier, some habits like smoking, unhealthy diet and inadequate physical activity might make their surgeries riskier. Studies show that younger smokers have more chances of infections and wound problems after joint surgeries.

The Need For Customized Treatment Plans

Because of these issues, doctors say it's crucial to make special plans for younger people having joint surgeries. They advise helping them quit smoking after surgery to lower risks and improve results. Also, preventing infections and making sure the new joint stays stable are really important for younger patients.

Personalized and Innovative Treatments for the Win!

As more younger people get joint replacements, we need to understand the challenges they face. With personalized plans and new implant designs, doctors aim to make these surgeries work better for younger patients and improve their lives.

London Ortho specializes in providing tailored arthroplasty solutions for younger patients. If you need arthroplasty surgery, book an appointment with us! We will guide you through